Get ready for Evolution

In order to receive the potion(s) and mint Evolution NFT(s), you have to follow the instructions.

  1. Go to, and click on Connect Wallet with your Blocto wallet. NOTE: Please log in with the email when you signed up for Blocto wallet.

  2. After logging in, click on the User icon in the top right corner and select My Collection.

3. The following screen should appear. If you have not added Origin Collection, click on Add Collection button and you are done. It will automatically add the Evolution and Potion Collection. If you have already added Origin Collection or you do not see Add Collection button under the Origin tab, you can skip and go to Step 4.

4. Click on the Potion tab, and click on Add Collection button. You are done. If there is no Add Collection button under the tab but a message said: Collection Installed - You currently don't own any of this type of NFT. Your collection is already added and no further action is required.

The potion(s) will be airdropped to your wallet according to the schedule. Click here to find out your potion airdrop schedule.

Last updated