April 1, 2022

Time for some alpha for our amazing HAMily!!!

You all know our story of the Piggos who were trapped by Mr Jones, the evil Farmer. Well….here is the next instalment to the story 📖

Truffles the Piggo As Truffles escaped the clutches of the greedy and evil Farmer, Mr Jones, she lost contact with the other Piggos who fled and broke free from the Farmer’s villainous hands. Memories of that fateful burn day, where some of his Piggo friends were BBQ’d, still haunt her :Flame:

Although Natz and her friends helped 5198 other Piggos escape during the Great Piggout, Truffles felt anxious and sad. She paced the floor of her new home, wondering ‘what happened to her friends’? She hoped they were not fried, baked, grilled or broiled :Pig_Scream:

Natz hated that Truffles was so troubled. She decided it was time to help Truffles heal her broken heart. Counseling for pigs isn’t easy to find though, so Natz had to get creative. She found a gypsy fortune teller, Miss Chorizo, who agreed to help her troubled swine.

Miss Chorizo listened intently to the tales of The Piggoverse. “Maybe there is a way to repopulate the Piggo population with the next generation? It involves drinking magic potions. Are you interested…?”

Check back soon to hear the next installment!

In the meantime, If you want to see some SNEAK PEAKS of what potion can do to a Piggo, react below!!! We will post when we have enough reactions. GO GO GO!!!

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